Head Start

We encourage parents to notify others with age-eligible children in the community to apply for services.
Applicants may call (336) 367-4993 x 246 for more information.

Head Start Application Packet revised 3-19-2025 (English)

Click here:


Aplique sobre la internet (childplus.net)

Watch Video Nowhttps://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/video/family-recruitment-video-head-start-cares-about-your-whole-family

We’re always looking for ways to improve Head Start so we can reach more families.  We’ve developed this super-short Infant/Toddler survey and we’d love a chance to hear from you.  It will take less than a minute and it will help us make Head Start even better.  Thank you!   All entries will be entered into a drawing for a prize!  Please click the link below to complete: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/JPRJ5FN

HS Newsletter Fall 2024-English
HS Newsletter Fall 2024-Spanish

Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest NC Agency Partner List

Mission Statement
Educating children and empowering families.

The 2023 Head Start preschool application is now available.  We operate the NC Pre-Kindergarten program in all four counties that we serve:  Yadkin, Davie, Stokes, and Surry.  Don’t delay, apply today for quality preschool to ensure your child is ready for kindergarten!
Head Start Application Packet revised 11-27-2023 (English)

Physical Exam Form
Head Start Annual Report 2019-2020
Head Start Annual Report 2018-2019
Head Start Annual Report 2017-2018
Head Start Annual Report 2016-2017

Volunteer Handbook 2019-2020
Volunteer Handbook 2019-2020 – Spanish

Parent Handbook 2024-2025 English
Parent Handbook 2024-2025 Spanish

Head Start Brochure 12-2023
Head Start Brochure SPANISH 12-2023
School Readiness Goals new foundations 2015

Head Start Program Concern Form (English) 8-28-2024
Head Start Program Compliment Form (English) 8-29-2024
Head Start Program Compliment Form (Spanish) 8-29-2024

What is Head Start?
Head Start is a federally funded program whose goal is to prepare children ages 3-5 for school by providing a quality, safe-learning environment within a structured educational setting and is the only local preschool program that offers health, dental, social services and a comprehensive parent involvement program. Services are provided in Davie, Stokes, Surry, and Yadkin Counties to 385 children and include nutritious meals and snacks and developmentally appropriate activities. Medical and Dental services are provided (including payment, if needed, for healthcare, dental exams and follow-up). Parents have the opportunity to collaborate with teachers to develop their child’s plans for learning, develop and revise program policies, participate in various committees, including the Policy Council.  Children with special needs are at least 10 percent of our enrollment. Families must meet Federal income guidelines to qualify.

Head Start also partners with the NC Pre-K program in many of our classrooms. The additional funding allows Head Start to extend its operational days of service from 160 to 180 days, pay for higher qualified teachers, and reduce teacher/child ratios from 1:10 to 1:9 or class size from 20 to 18 children.

Our Philosophy
YVEDDI Head Start believes that all children deserve the opportunity to learn through play by way of facilitated, competent early childhood practices without regard to race, culture, income, or disability.  We also believe by linking services and building partnerships within the community our families will achieve more success.

YVEDDI Head Start provides all students the opportunity to feel competent, to feel good about themselves and to develop a positive attitude toward learning.  Our curriculum is designed to foster the social, emotional, cognitive, and physical growth of each child.  Upon enrollment, each child is screened.  Thereafter, the child is assessed periodically so that activities can be planned to meet the individual developmental needs and ensure school readiness for the child.

Commitment to Quality
Our Head Start program adheres to federal, state, and local regulations.  A council of program parents and a board of directors, in conjunction with management, share the decision-making about the program.  Shared governance and the delivery of ongoing program and fiscal monitoring, as well as training and technical assistance assure the continual growth of quality services to children and families.  The 2009-2010 Triennial Federal Review resulted in Zero Findings following an assessment of over 1700+ regulations.

Our Staff
All NCPK teachers have or are working on their Birth to Kindergarten Certifications.  These professionals provide a variety of developmentally appropriate activities for the children. Ongoing professional development activities are provided for staff to enrich our children’s opportunities in the classroom.  To promote staff retention and higher quality programming for children, employee benefits include sick, vacation, and education leave, 12 paid holidays per year, retirement plan, life and health insurance, voluntary dental and vision, pay increases and bonuses for education achievement as funding allows.  Call the Head Start Administrative Office for full or part-time employment opportunities (336-367-4993).

Every Head Start family is assigned a Family Advocate for individualized services.  Advocates work with families in goal setting and provide needed referral services for the child and family’s well-being.  Parents are involved in all aspects of our program and participate in many ways such as attending parent meetings, health screenings, education workshops, volunteering in classrooms, and as governing representatives on the Policy Council.  We also encourage and promote fathers’ involvement in the nurturing and development of their children during the preschool experience and beyond.

To enhance the delivery of services, Head Start collaborates with local education associations, health providers, social service agencies, religious organizations, groups, and individuals.  Our gracious thanks to these professionals for their assistance in helping us to better serve children and families.

Locations (subject to change)

Davie County
Jack G. Koontz I & II (5 Star)
7131 NC Hwy 801 S
Mocksville, NC 27028
(336) 284-6066
Family Advocate (336) 284-2374

Mocksville (5 Star)
819 Dulin Road
Mocksville, NC 27028
(336) 998-1831
Family Advocate (336) 284-2374

Stokes County
*Danbury (5 Star)
1070 Hospice Road
Danbury, NC  27016
(336) 593-8113
Family Advocate (336) 871-5022

*Mt Olive (5 Star)
2415 Chestnut Grove Road
King, NC 27021
(336) 985-5260
Family Advocate (336) 983-2344

*London (5 Star)
London Elementary School
609 School Street
Walnut Cove, NC 27052
(336) 591-9284
Family Advocate (336) 786-6155 Ext. 507

*Sandy Ridge (5 Star)
Sandy Ridge Elementary
1308 Amostown Road
Sandy Ridge, NC 27046
(336) 871-2551
Family Advocate (336) 871-5022

Yadkin County
*Boonville (5 Star)
533 N. Carolina Ave  Highway 601 N
Boonville, NC  27011
(336) 367-5301
Family Advocate (336) 469-6371

*Jonesville (5 Star)
205 Center Street
Jonesville, NC 28642
(336) 835-1879
Family Advocate (336) 469-6371

*Yadkinville 1-3 (5 Star)
725 West Main Street
Yadkinville, NC 27055
Yadkinville 1
(336) 367-4993 ext. 235
Family Advocate (336) 367-4993 ext. 239
Yadkinville 2
(336) 367-4993 ext. 236
Family Advocate (336) 367-4993 ext. 239
Yadkinville 3
(336) 367-4993 ext. 237
Family Advocate (336) 367-4993 ext. 239

Surry County
*Granite City 1-3 (5 Star)
401 Technology Lane, Suite 100
Mt Airy, NC  27030
Granite City 1
(336) 786-6155 ext. 506 or (336) 415-4189
Family Advocate (336) 786-6155 ext. 506 or (336) 415-4223
Granite City 2
(336) 786-6155 ext. 506 or (336) 415-4178
Family Advocate (336) 786-6155 ext. 506 or (336) 415-4194
Granite City 3
(336) 786-6155 ext. 506 or (336) 415-4181
Family Advocate (336) 786-6155 ext. 506 or (336) 415-4194

Paynetown (5 Start)
205 Marshall Farm Road
Mt Airy, NC  27030
(336) 786-7628
Family Advocate (336) 786-6155 ext. 508 or (336) 415-4223

*Surry (5 Star)
389 Jenkinstown Road
Dobson, NC  27017
(336) 367-7202
Family Advocate (336) 786-6155 ext. 508 or (336) 415-4194

Oak Grove (5 Star)
453 Oak Grove Road
Elkin, NC  28621
(336) 835-4248
Family Advocate (336) 786-6155 Ext. 507

* Indicates NCPK Centers

Centers are open from 8:00 AM – 2:30 PM
Monday through Friday
(generally August through May)

Inclement Weather Policy-HS

This website is supported by Grant Numbers 93.569 (Community Services Block Grant), 93.600 (Head Start), and 93.568 (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) from the Office of Community Services and the Office of Head Start within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families, the Office of Community Services, or the Office of Head Start.