Community Services Block Grant Program

YVEDDI CSBG Program will be on-site for this event. Come out and see us…

YVEDDI CSBG Pre-Screening Evaluation Packet 3-21-2025

CSBG Participant Satisfaction Survey revised 4-9-2024

Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest NC Agency Partner List


Mission Statement
To build self-sufficiency for under-resourced individuals and families through coaching, mentoring and community partnerships.

CSBG Brochure ENGLISH revised 3-6-2025
CSBG Brochure SPANISH revised 3-6-2025

Empowering Others to Help Themselves

The primary long-range goal is to reduce the number of individuals/families in poverty (according to the Federal Poverty Index Guideline) within a two-year period of time. This will be achieved by providing comprehensive case management services and activities to families that are enrolled in the program.

Our CSBG Program believes that desiring individuals/families will become more self-sufficient and become positive contributors to society with adequate resources, referrals, support network, prioritizing obtainable goals, and capitalizing on participant strengths.

Each eligible individual/family enrolled in the program can be assisted for a two (2) year period effective their date of enrollment. A contract/agreement is developed and must be signed by all appropriate members of the family prior to enrollment in the program. This contract contains the barriers/problems as identified, a plan of action that details the specific assistance objectives, and a work plan, agreed to by the family and our CSBG staff that outlines the responsibilities of all parties involved.

Our Self-Sufficiency Program is based upon the following beliefs:

· A hand up is better than a hand out
· Buy a person a fish and you have fed him/her for a day; Teach a person to fish, and you have fed him/her for a lifetime
· Helping people help themselves should be a way of life


Upon referral, all applicants are provided with an orientation to the full array of CSBG’s services. If applicants are interested in pursuing services, they participate in the Intake Process, which is an information gathering procedure. Data is collected to build a case history and to allow for a Needs Assessment of the applicant’s current situation. This information will be staffed by a team of Success Coaches. We will investigate and exhaust every idea regarding what services can be mobilized within Yadkin Valley Economic Development District, Inc. (YVEDDI), and within the community through information and referral to serve our participants.

Participants who are eligible and deemed suitable will be enrolled into the Self-Sufficiency Program on a first come, first serve basis for as long as funding is available. The Success Coach and the participant will jointly complete a comprehensive Success Plan. Realistic long-term self-sufficiency goals and practical short-term objectives will be emphasized.

If the participant does not make a responsible and reasonable effort to follow Success Plan goals and objectives within thirty days after signing the Success Plan, the participant will have terminated him/herself from the CSBG Program.

Our Self-Sufficiency Program will be individualized for each household, it will include a holistic approach, and we will attempt to draw upon every available community resource to supplement CSBG services to assist participants in becoming self-sufficient.

The Self-Sufficiency Program is designed to assist individuals/families in overcoming poverty. Our service model is made up of a variety of different services that are offered on an as needed basis such as: assisting in obtaining a higher education, create a resume, gain employment in jobs paying a “living wage,” and to empower themselves in the process of becoming self-reliant. We encourage participants to participate in Survival Skills, Budgeting Classes, Financial Literacy Workshops, Project Re-Entry, Life Skills, and Nutrition Classes.

Our CSBG Program improves Self-Sufficiency by boosting the participants self esteem, self confidence, and assertiveness in taking greater control of their lives. Therefore, we will continue to provide supportive services, including direct customer assistance, intensive, holistic, and individualized success coaching, and personal support to CSBG participants to empower them and to help remove barriers in their lives to become self sufficient.

Participants must reside in Davie, Stokes, Surry, or Yadkin Counties to be eligible for the program.

For more information, contact the CSBG Success Coach at the following locations:

Davie County: Ph: (336) 786-6155 ext. 501 or (336) 415-4248
Stokes County: (336) 593-2371 Ext. 402
Surry County
401 Technology Lane, Suite 100
Mt. Airy, NC 27030
Ph: (336) 786-6155 ext. 501 or (336) 415-4248
Fax: (336) 786-1951
Yadkin County
1413 W. Main Street   Yadkinville, NC 27055
Ph: (336) 677-1033 ext. 033
Fax: (336) 849-0323


CSBG is working with Wheels of Hope to obtain vehicles for customers.  The details are located on their website:

If anyone would like to donate a vehicle they will tow it and will take vehicles in any shape.  That number is (336) 355-9130

This website is supported by Grant Numbers 93.569 (Community Services Block Grant), 93.600 (Head Start), and 93.568 (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) from the Office of Community Services and the Office of Head Start within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families, the Office of Community Services, or the Office of Head Start.